Insects are vital for pollination, pest control, and maintaining healthy ecosystems, yet many species are in decline due to habitat loss and pesticides. Protecting insects ensures the survival of plants, including food crops, and supports the broader food chain. They also contribute to soil health and nutrient recycling, essential for a balanced environment. Safeguarding insects helps maintain the natural processes that support life on Earth.
Insect Hotels
Insect hotels provide a safe, sheltered space for beneficial insects like bees, ladybirds, and butterflies. These structures offer a place for insects to nest, rest, and overwinter, supporting local ecosystems and promoting biodiversity. We can build custom insect hotels to suit your garden, or collaborate with a local cabinet maker who creates high-quality, handcrafted designs. Either way, our goal is to provide a simple, natural way to encourage pollinators and other helpful insects into your outdoor space.
Insect hotels also enhance your garden's aesthetic, adding an attractive and functional feature that blends seamlessly into your landscape. Crafted from natural materials, each design is unique, whether it's a rustic log stack or a more refined structure. They are a beautiful and environmentally friendly way to support wildlife, contributing to a healthier, more sustainable garden while adding visual interest.